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posted 2019-11-02 13:36:20 +0200

Weather on lockscreen wierd update

If WiFi is on and phone is not used for sometime then Weather widget it the lockscreen says 'no network', Retry do not help. The other apps can access network at the same time. Disabling WiFi makes weather data update immidiately. After that you can re-enable WiFi and weather data will be still here.

Cathed this couple of times.

Xperia XA2 DS, SFX 3.2

Weather on lockscreen wierd update

If WiFi is on and phone is not used for sometime then Weather widget it the lockscreen says 'no network', Retry do does not help. The other apps can access network at the same time. Disabling WiFi makes weather data update immidiately. After that you can re-enable WiFi and weather data will be still here.

Cathed this couple of times.

Xperia XA2 DS, SFX 3.2