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posted 2014-01-31 12:31:44 +0200

Alarm status (activity) display not intuitive

IMHO, it is not intuitively recognizable whether an alarm is active or not (see screenshot)

This is caused by the inactive alarm time being displayed brighter than the active alarm time. I suggest to switch the coloring of active/inactive alarm time in display.

image description

Alarm status (activity) display not intuitive

IMHO, it is not intuitively recognizable whether an alarm is active or not (see screenshot)

This is caused by the inactive alarm time being displayed brighter than the active alarm time. I suggest to switch the coloring of active/inactive alarm time in display.

image description

Alarm status (activity) display not intuitive

IMHO, it is not intuitively recognizable whether an alarm is active or not (see screenshot)

This is caused by the inactive alarm time being displayed brighter than the active alarm time. I suggest to switch the coloring of active/inactive alarm time in display.

image description

Alarm status (activity) display not intuitive

IMHO, it is not intuitively recognizable whether an alarm is active or not (see screenshot)

This is caused by the inactive alarm time being displayed brighter than the active alarm time. I suggest to switch the coloring of active/inactive alarm time in display.

image description