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posted 2014-01-31 12:46:04 +0300

Animated GIF support for ambiances

I love animated GIFs. Could it be possible to have support for animated GIFs on the lock screen?

Possible Solution 1:
First idea: The animation should run only on lock screen, all other screens should display the last frame (or the first?). But there are (currently) no GIFs out there in 540x1600, how to fill the rest of the screen? A static image as background (how to configure this? Multiple input fields for an "ambiance type" "Animated GIF") and centering the GIF? The font colors for the ambiance should then be calculated out of the static image.

This leads to:

Possible Solution 2:
Provide API-access to a frame in the middle of the lock screen (or general access to lock-screen). Then developers could make some kind of "widgets" there. Maybe you could scroll through the widgets by flicking (I think Android has something like that). Widgets for controlling media players and watching GIFs would then be a task for app developers.

What do you think?

Animated GIF support for ambiances

I love animated GIFs. Could it be possible to have support for animated GIFs on the lock screen?

Possible Solution 1:
First idea: The animation should run only on lock screen, all other screens should display the last frame (or the first?). But there are (currently) no GIFs out there in 540x1600, how to fill the rest of the screen? A static image as background (how to configure this? Multiple input fields for an "ambiance type" "Animated GIF") and centering the GIF? The font colors for the ambiance should then be calculated out of the static image.

This leads to:

Possible Solution 2:
Provide API-access to a frame in the middle of the lock screen (or general access to lock-screen). Then developers could make some kind of "widgets" there. Maybe you could scroll through the widgets by flicking (I think Android has something like that). Widgets for controlling media players and watching GIFs would then be a task for app developers.

What do you think?

Animated GIF support for ambiancesambiences

I love animated GIFs. Could it be possible to have support for animated GIFs on the lock screen?

Possible Solution 1:
First idea: The animation should run only on lock screen, all other screens should display the last frame (or the first?). But there are (currently) no GIFs out there in 540x1600, how to fill the rest of the screen? A static image as background (how to configure this? Multiple input fields for an "ambiance type" "Animated GIF") and centering the GIF? The font colors for the ambiance should then be calculated out of the static image.

This leads to:

Possible Solution 2:
Provide API-access to a frame in the middle of the lock screen (or general access to lock-screen). Then developers could make some kind of "widgets" there. Maybe you could scroll through the widgets by flicking (I think Android has something like that). Widgets for controlling media players and watching GIFs would then be a task for app developers.

What do you think?

Animated GIF support for ambiencesambiences on lock-screen

I love animated GIFs. Could it be possible to have support for animated GIFs on the lock screen?

Possible Solution 1:
First idea: The animation should run only on lock screen, all other screens should display the last frame (or the first?). But there are (currently) no GIFs out there in 540x1600, how to fill the rest of the screen? A static image as background (how to configure this? Multiple input fields for an "ambiance type" "Animated GIF") and centering the GIF? The font colors for the ambiance should then be calculated out of the static image.

This leads to:

Possible Solution 2:
Provide API-access to a frame in the middle of the lock screen (or general access to lock-screen). Then developers could make some kind of "widgets" there. Maybe you could scroll through the widgets by flicking (I think Android has something like that). Widgets for controlling media players and watching GIFs would then be a task for app developers.

What do you think?

Animated GIF support for ambiences on lock-screen

I love animated GIFs. Could it be possible to have support for animated GIFs on the lock screen?

Possible Solution 1:
First idea: The animation should run only on lock screen, all other screens should display the last frame (or the first?). But there are (currently) no GIFs out there in 540x1600, how to fill the rest of the screen? A static image as background (how to configure this? Multiple input fields for an "ambiance type" "Animated GIF") and centering the GIF? The font colors for the ambiance should then be calculated out of the static image.

This leads to:

Possible Solution 2:2 (more general):
Provide API-access to a frame in the middle of the lock screen (or general access to lock-screen). Then developers could make some kind of "widgets" there. Maybe you could scroll through the widgets by flicking (I think Android has something like that). Widgets for controlling media players and watching GIFs would then be a task for app developers.https://together.jolla.com/question/21723/frame-on-lock-screen-to-embed-widgets/

What do you think?

Animated GIF support for ambiences on lock-screen

I love animated GIFs. Could it be possible to have support for animated GIFs on the lock screen?

Possible Solution 1:
First idea: The animation should run only on lock screen, all other screens should display the last frame (or the first?). But there are (currently) no GIFs out there in 540x1600, how to fill the rest of the screen? A static image as background (how to configure this? Multiple input fields for an "ambiance type" "Animated GIF") and centering the GIF? The font colors for the ambiance should then be calculated out of the static image.

This leads to:

Possible Solution 2 (more general):

What do you think?