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posted 2019-11-28 15:29:36 +0200

vibration button in top menu

Hey I have been using SFOS for a couple of weeks now, and I am already very satisfied. I only miss a couple of apps, that isn't very necessary to carry with me. What I am missing is a feature where I can set the vibration on/off. One solution could be a button in the top menu, where to set it on/off. Another possibility could be, that the volume button could turn the vibrator on/off like how Android does it.

vibration button in top menuVibration on/off shortcut

Hey I have been using SFOS for a couple of weeks now, and I am already very satisfied. I only miss a couple of apps, that isn't very necessary to carry with me. satisfied. What I am missing is a feature where I can set the vibration on/off. One solution could be a button in the top menu, where to set it on/off. Another possibility could be, that the volume button could turn the vibrator on/off like how Android does it.

Vibration on/off shortcut

Hey I have been using SFOS for a couple of weeks now, and I am already very satisfied. What I am missing is a feature where I can set the vibration on/off. One solution could be a button in the top menu, where to set it on/off. Another possibility could be, that the volume button could turn the vibrator on/off like how Android does it.