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posted 2019-12-07 15:46:48 +0200

Time Picker ("Time Wheel") Has Lost Precision

Before the update to SFOS the time selection was pretty much precise. It correctly jumped almost every time to an even losely selected hour or - with a <5 minutes precision - to the selected minute on the time picker.

This precision is gone after the update to on my Jolla1. For example, I recently tried to select 7 o'clock and the time picker jumped constantly between 10 and 5 for every tap I did on 7.

This is at least a regression. I flagged it as a bug to get more attention by the dev-team, but in my opinion this is a bug, at least compared to the previous SFOS versions.

Time Picker ("Time Wheel") Has Lost Precision

Before the update to SFOS the time selection was pretty much precise. It correctly jumped almost every time to an even losely selected hour or - with a <5 minutes precision - to the selected minute on the time picker.

This precision is gone after the update to on my Jolla1. For example, I recently tried to select 7 o'clock and the time picker jumped constantly between 10 and 5 for every tap I did on 7.

This is at least a regression. I flagged it as a bug to get more attention by the dev-team, but in my opinion this is a bug, at least compared to the previous SFOS versions.

Time Picker ("Time Wheel") Has Lost Precision

Before the update to SFOS the time selection was pretty much precise. It correctly jumped almost every time to an even losely selected hour or - with a <5 minutes precision - to the selected minute on the time picker.

This precision is gone after the update to on my Jolla1. For example, I recently tried to select 7 o'clock and the time picker jumped constantly between 10 and 5 for every tap I did on 7.

This is at least a regression. I flagged it as a bug to get more attention by the dev-team, but in my opinion this is a bug, at least compared to the previous SFOS versions.

Time Picker ("Time Wheel") Has Lost Precision

Before the update to SFOS the time selection was pretty much precise. It correctly jumped almost every time to an even losely selected hour or - with a <5 minutes precision - to the selected minute on the time picker.

This precision is gone after the update to on my Jolla1. For example, I recently tried to select 7 o'clock and the time picker jumped constantly between 10 and 5 for every tap I did on 7.

This is at least a regression. I flagged it as a bug to get more attention by the dev-team, but in my opinion this is a bug, at least compared to the previous SFOS versions.

Time Picker ("Time Wheel") Has Lost Precision

Before the update to SFOS the time selection was pretty much precise. It correctly jumped almost every time to an even losely selected hour or - with a <5 minutes precision - to the selected minute on the time picker.

This precision is gone after the update to on my Jolla1. For example, I recently tried to select 7 o'clock and the time picker jumped constantly between 10 and 5 for every tap I did on 7.

This is at least a regression. I flagged it as a bug to get more attention by the dev-team, but in my opinion this is a bug, at least compared to the previous SFOS versions.

Clarification after some comments:

The issue is all about tapping. Sliding works fine also on my Jolla1.

But as said above even a lose tap mostly produced a proper time selection before. That is the "precision" I am talking about and that is gone in And yes, minutes tapping works slightly better than hours tapping, but also lost precision as far as I perceive it.

And it's not that I'm saying, it's not possible to set a time. It's about the ease of it, that has decreased. That's why the current behavior is a regression.