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![]() | 1 | initial version | posted 2020-01-07 23:00:13 +0200 |
It's really frustrating to use my Xperia XA2 being careful to install apps as less as possible, and without any possibility to save pics and video (shot with Open Camera or Adavanced Camera) on SD card (ext4 formatted and correctly mounted). This bug has born with Sailfish, ok, but now we are at release 3.2.1 Nuuksio, and years after the release 0.something. I found and old tutorial to bypass this inconvenient, but it seems it doesn't work on SFOS3, anyway, i report it here:
Delete all files in folders /home/nemo/Pictures and /home/nemo/Videos. Create a SSH on Jolla and digit: ls /media/sdcard Should now appear a directory with id code type xxxx-xxxx. Copy the CODE. Now, create a text file: nano /home/nemo/camera_sdcard.sh and paste the following strings #!/bin/sh rm Pictures Videos sleep 5 ln -s /media/sdcard/xxxx-xxxx/Pictures/ /home/nemo/Pictures ln -s /media/sdcard/xxxx-xxxx/Videos/ /home/nemo/Videos Change xxxx-xxxx with the CODE, then close and save using CTRL+X. Next step: chmod +x /home/nemo/camera_sdcard.sh then: gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files index-recursive-directories "['&DESKTOP', '&DOCUMENTS', '&DOWNLOAD', '&MUSIC']" After that, use root to create the launcher: nano /usr/share/applications/camera_sdcard.desktop and insert, in the new file: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=SD card Icon=/usr/share/themes/jolla-ambient/meegotouch/icons/icon-launcher-mad-developer.png Exec=/home/nemo/camera_sdcard.sh close and save using CTRL+X.
Do anyone has a solution?
![]() | 2 | No.2 Revision |
It's really frustrating to use my Xperia XA2 being careful to install apps as less as possible, and without any possibility to save pics and video (shot with Open Camera or Adavanced Camera) on SD card (ext4 formatted and correctly mounted). This bug has born with Sailfish, ok, but now we are at release 3.2.1 Nuuksio, and years after the release 0.something. I found and old tutorial to bypass this inconvenient, but it seems it doesn't work on SFOS3, anyway, i report it here:
Delete all files in folders /home/nemo/Pictures and /home/nemo/Videos. Create a SSH on Jolla and digit: ls /media/sdcard Should now appear a directory with id code type xxxx-xxxx. Copy the CODE. Now, create a text file: nano /home/nemo/camera_sdcard.sh and paste the following strings #!/bin/sh rm Pictures Videos sleep 5 ln -s /media/sdcard/xxxx-xxxx/Pictures/ /home/nemo/Pictures ln -s /media/sdcard/xxxx-xxxx/Videos/ /home/nemo/Videos Change xxxx-xxxx with the CODE, then close and save using CTRL+X. Next step: chmod +x /home/nemo/camera_sdcard.sh then: gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files index-recursive-directories "['&DESKTOP', '&DOCUMENTS', '&DOWNLOAD', '&MUSIC']" After that, use root to create the launcher: nano /usr/share/applications/camera_sdcard.desktop and insert, in the new file: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=SD card Icon=/usr/share/themes/jolla-ambient/meegotouch/icons/icon-launcher-mad-developer.png Exec=/home/nemo/camera_sdcard.sh close and save using CTRL+X.
Do anyone has a solution?
![]() | 3 | No.3 Revision |
It's really frustrating to use my Xperia XA2 being careful to install apps as less as possible, and without any possibility to save pics and video (shot with Open Camera or Adavanced Camera) on SD card (ext4 formatted and correctly mounted). This bug has born with Sailfish, ok, but now we are at release 3.2.1 Nuuksio, and years after the release 0.something. I found and old tutorial to bypass this inconvenient, but it seems it doesn't work on SFOS3, anyway, i report it here:
Delete all files in folders /home/nemo/Pictures and /home/nemo/Videos.
Create a SSH on Jolla and digit: ls /media/sdcard
Should now appear a directory with id code type xxxx-xxxx. Copy the CODE.
Now, create a text file:
/home/nemo/camera_sdcard.sh and paste the following strings
rm Pictures Videos
sleep 5
ln -s /media/sdcard/xxxx-xxxx/Pictures/ /home/nemo/Pictures
ln -s /media/sdcard/xxxx-xxxx/Videos/
/home/nemo/Videos Change xxxx-xxxx with the CODE, then close and save using CTRL+X.
Next step:
chmod +x
/home/nemo/camera_sdcard.sh then:
gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files index-recursive-directories "['&DESKTOP', '&DOCUMENTS', '&DOWNLOAD',
'&MUSIC']" After that, use root to create the launcher:
/usr/share/applications/camera_sdcard.desktop and insert, in the new file:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=SD card
Exec=/home/nemo/camera_sdcard.sh close and save using CTRL+X.
Do anyone has a solution?
![]() | 4 | retagged |
It's really frustrating to use my Xperia XA2 being careful to install apps as less as possible, and without any possibility to save pics and video (shot with Open Camera or Adavanced Camera) on SD card (ext4 formatted and correctly mounted). This bug has born with Sailfish, ok, but now we are at release 3.2.1 Nuuksio, and years after the release 0.something. I found and old tutorial to bypass this inconvenient, but it seems it doesn't work on SFOS3, anyway, i report it here:
Delete all files in folders /home/nemo/Pictures and /home/nemo/Videos.
Create a SSH on Jolla and digit: ls /media/sdcard
Should now appear a directory with id code type xxxx-xxxx. Copy the CODE.
Now, create a text file:
nano /home/nemo/camera_sdcard.sh
and paste the following strings
rm Pictures Videos
sleep 5
ln -s /media/sdcard/xxxx-xxxx/Pictures/ /home/nemo/Pictures
ln -s /media/sdcard/xxxx-xxxx/Videos/ /home/nemo/Videos
Change xxxx-xxxx with the CODE, then close and save using CTRL+X.
Next step:
chmod +x /home/nemo/camera_sdcard.sh
gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files index-recursive-directories "['&DESKTOP', '&DOCUMENTS', '&DOWNLOAD', '&MUSIC']"
After that, use root to create the launcher:
nano /usr/share/applications/camera_sdcard.desktop
and insert, in the new file:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=SD card
close and save using CTRL+X.
Do anyone has a solution?
![]() | 5 | No.5 Revision |
It's really frustrating to use my Xperia XA2 being careful to install apps as less as possible, and without any possibility to save pics and video (shot with Open Camera or Adavanced Camera) on SD card (ext4 formatted and correctly mounted).
This bug has born with Sailfish, ok, but now we are at release 3.2.1 Nuuksio, and years after the release 0.something.
I found and old tutorial to bypass this inconvenient, but it seems it doesn't work on SFOS3, anyway, i report it here:here is the link:
Delete all files in folders /home/nemo/Pictures and /home/nemo/Videos.
Create a SSH on Jolla and digit: ls /media/sdcard
Should now appear a directory with id code type xxxx-xxxx. Copy the CODE.
Now, create a text file:
https://jollacommunity.it/2015/02/18/salvare-foto-e-video-sulla-scheda-sd-per-impostazione-predefinita/nano /home/nemo/camera_sdcard.sh
and paste the following strings
rm Pictures Videos
sleep 5
ln -s /media/sdcard/xxxx-xxxx/Pictures/ /home/nemo/Pictures
ln -s /media/sdcard/xxxx-xxxx/Videos/ /home/nemo/Videos
Change xxxx-xxxx with the CODE, then close and save using CTRL+X.
Next step:
chmod +x /home/nemo/camera_sdcard.sh
gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files index-recursive-directories "['&DESKTOP', '&DOCUMENTS', '&DOWNLOAD', '&MUSIC']"
After that, use root to create the launcher:
nano /usr/share/applications/camera_sdcard.desktop
and insert, in the new file:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=SD card
close and save using CTRL+X.
Do anyone has a solution?
![]() | 6 | No.6 Revision |
It's really frustrating to use my Xperia XA2 being careful to install apps as less as possible, and without any possibility to save pics and video (shot with Open Camera or Adavanced Camera) on SD card (ext4 formatted and correctly mounted).
This bug has born with Sailfish, ok, but now we are at release 3.2.1 Nuuksio, and years after the release 0.something.
I found and old tutorial to bypass this inconvenient, but it seems it doesn't work on SFOS3, anyway, here is the link:
Do anyone has a solution?