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posted 2020-01-29 22:28:01 +0200

"Open in Android" dialog option e.g. when opening links

A simple idea, that probably is hard to execute: Some websites don't work well on any of Sailfishes browsers, some links you want to open in an app, and sometimes even you get a verification link for an Android app.

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Right now all you can do is to open a link in SF web browser, then copy it, and paste it in an Android browser. Or, a few times I got quickly redirected and couldn't do that, so I had to open an email website in an android browser and click the link there. All this could be solved with an option "Open in Android", like the one we already have for choosing a browser.

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I suppose this would need to open an Android app that would show a dialog with apps to choose, so this would need knowledge in Android apps as well.

Add "Open in Android" dialog option e.g. when opening links

A simple idea, that probably is hard to execute: Some websites don't work well on any of Sailfishes browsers, some links you want to open in an app, and sometimes even you get a verification link for an Android app.

image description

Right now all you can do is to open a link in SF web browser, then copy it, and paste it in an Android browser. Or, a few times I got quickly redirected and couldn't do that, so I had to open an email website in an android browser and click the link there. All this could be solved with an option "Open in Android", like the one we already have for choosing a browser.

image description

I suppose this would need to open an Android app that would show a dialog with apps to choose, so this would need knowledge in Android apps as well.