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posted 2020-02-22 11:07:54 +0200

Idea - Movim

Hi, a new version of movim was released. Movim 0.17: Catalina https://linuxfr.org/news/movim-0-17-catalina (in french) https://nl.movim.eu/?node/pubsub.movim.eu/Movim/87633da7-3963-4923-aabc-54ac5f6ad1d8 (in english).

What does this have to do with Sailfish? movim is xmpp chat (and social network), which is compatible with T elegram, Mattermost, slake, discord. By linking your different accounts with your movim account, you can receive messages from your different networks on the Sailfish "message" app (the sms app) and your contacts from different messages are added to the native application.


Idea - MovimMovim cross platform client

Hi, a new version of movim was released. Movim 0.17: Catalina https://linuxfr.org/news/movim-0-17-catalina (in french) french)

https://nl.movim.eu/?node/pubsub.movim.eu/Movim/87633da7-3963-4923-aabc-54ac5f6ad1d8 (in english).

What does this have to do with Sailfish? movim is xmpp chat (and social network), which is compatible with T elegram, Telegram, Mattermost, slake, discord. By linking your different accounts with your movim account, you can receive messages from your different networks on the Sailfish "message" app (the sms app) and your contacts from different messages are added to the native application.
