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posted 2013-12-26 02:54:12 +0200

Ability to open more then just 9 apps

My crappy N900 with less then 1 GHz single Core CPU and 256 MB RAM was able to run 32 Apps simultanously and now you want to tell me that this dualcore power phone can't open more then 9 apps? Sorry but I don't get that.

Please fix this and give the users the ability to do what they want to do. The best way to fix this is to remove the open apps limit completely. Just add new pages for 9 additional apps as long as the user is opening more of them or find another way to display them but do it.

Ability to open more then than just 9 apps

My crappy N900 with less then 1 GHz single Core CPU and 256 MB RAM was able to run 32 Apps simultanously and now you want to tell me that this dualcore power phone can't open more then 9 apps? Sorry but I don't get that.

Please fix this and give the users the ability to do what they want to do. The best way to fix this is to remove the open apps limit completely. Just add new pages for 9 additional apps as long as the user is opening more of them or find another way to display them but do it.