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![]() | 1 | initial version | posted 2020-05-26 10:45:22 +0200 |
It seems as if Nextcloud and SFOS are handling recurrent calender events differently. I am using Nextcloud 18.0.4 with calendar app version 2.0.3 and SFOS on an Xperia XA2.
Let me give an example:
1) define a recurring event in Nextcloud, e.g. an allday event on June 1, marked as recurring every day until June 5. 2) the event shows up properly in Nextcloud on June 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as it should. The ics-file looks as follows:
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//IDN nextcloud.com//Calendar app 2.0.3//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT CREATED:20200526T070300Z DTSTAMP:20200526T070329Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200526T070329Z SEQUENCE:2 UID:21fa7d0b-2a1a-4afc-8a97-070caba4f9de DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200601 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200602 SUMMARY:test recurring 1 day RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20200605T000000 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
3) after synchronisation the event also looks fine in SFOS.
4) when I edit the event in SFOS, for instance just to change the event name, the edit screen of the series shows an end date of June 4 instead of 5. Hence I need to correct that manually to the 5th or the entry for the 5th would get deleted.
Let me just speculate, the issue might be related to the RRULE. Nextcloud sets no time in the until-information (20200605T000000) so timestamp is beginning of the day, whereas SFOS, when I manually changed the 4th to the 5th, sets until-information to 20200605T215959Z. I have 2 hours UTC-offset, so the 215959Z timestamp indicates the end of the day.
Can anyone reproduce this issue?
Cheers, Jürgen
![]() | 2 | No.2 Revision |
It seems as if Nextcloud and SFOS are handling recurrent calender events differently. I am using Nextcloud 18.0.4 with calendar app version 2.0.3 and SFOS on an Xperia XA2.XA2 H3113.
Let me give an example:
1) define a recurring event in Nextcloud, e.g. an allday event on June 1, marked as recurring every day until June 5. 2) the event shows up properly in Nextcloud on June 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as it should. The ics-file looks as follows:
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//IDN nextcloud.com//Calendar app 2.0.3//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT CREATED:20200526T070300Z DTSTAMP:20200526T070329Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200526T070329Z SEQUENCE:2 UID:21fa7d0b-2a1a-4afc-8a97-070caba4f9de DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200601 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200602 SUMMARY:test recurring 1 day RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;UNTIL=20200605T000000 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
3) after synchronisation the event also looks fine in SFOS.
4) when I edit the event in SFOS, for instance just to change the event name, the edit screen of the series shows an end date of June 4 instead of 5. Hence I need to correct that manually to the 5th or the entry for the 5th would get deleted.
Let me just speculate, the issue might be related to the RRULE. Nextcloud sets no time in the until-information (20200605T000000) so timestamp is beginning of the day, whereas SFOS, when I manually changed the 4th to the 5th, sets until-information to 20200605T215959Z. I have 2 hours UTC-offset, so the 215959Z timestamp indicates the end of the day.
Can anyone reproduce this issue?
Cheers, Jürgen
![]() | 3 | No.3 Revision |
It seems as if Nextcloud and SFOS are handling recurrent calender events differently. I am using Nextcloud 18.0.4 with calendar app version 2.0.3 and SFOS on an Xperia XA2 H3113.
Let me give an example:
1) define a recurring event in Nextcloud, e.g. an allday event on June 1, marked as recurring every day until June 5. 2) the event shows up properly in Nextcloud on June 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as it should. The ics-file looks as follows:
PRODID:-//IDN nextcloud.com//Calendar app 2.0.3//EN
SUMMARY:test recurring 1 day
3) after synchronisation the event also looks fine in SFOS.
4) when I edit the event in SFOS, for instance just to change the event name, the edit screen of the series shows an end date of June 4 instead of 5. Hence I need to correct that manually to the 5th or the entry for the 5th would get deleted.
Let me just speculate, the issue might be related to the RRULE. Nextcloud sets no time in the until-information (20200605T000000) so timestamp is beginning of the day, whereas SFOS, when I manually changed the 4th to the 5th, sets until-information to 20200605T215959Z. I have 2 hours UTC-offset, so the 215959Z timestamp indicates the end of the day.
Can anyone reproduce this issue?
Cheers, Jürgen
It seems as if Nextcloud and SFOS are handling recurrent calender events differently. I am using Nextcloud 18.0.4 with calendar app version 2.0.3 and SFOS on an Xperia XA2 H3113.
Let me give an example:
1) define a recurring event in Nextcloud, e.g. an allday event on June 1, marked as recurring every day until June 5. 2) the event shows up properly in Nextcloud on June 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as it should. The ics-file looks as follows:
PRODID:-//IDN nextcloud.com//Calendar app 2.0.3//EN
SUMMARY:test recurring 1 day
3) after synchronisation the event also looks fine in SFOS.
4) when I edit the event in SFOS, for instance just to change the event name, the edit screen of the series shows an end date of June 4 instead of 5. Hence I need to correct that manually to the 5th or the entry for the 5th would get deleted.
Let me just speculate, the issue might be related to the RRULE. Nextcloud sets no time in the until-information (20200605T000000) so timestamp is beginning of the day, whereas SFOS, when I manually changed the 4th to the 5th, sets until-information to 20200605T215959Z. I have 2 hours UTC-offset, so the 215959Z timestamp indicates the end of the day.
Can anyone reproduce this issue?
Cheers, Jürgen