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posted 2020-06-14 15:18:45 +0300

Ewo gravatar image

[SFOS] VPN via IPSec/IPSec Xauth PSK to Fritz!Box (AVM)

Hello everybody,

I'm new to Sailfish OS (Sony XA2, SFOS and trying to establish a VPN connection from my phone to my home Router (Fritz!Box 7490). I'm quite familiar with setting up this VPN connection from my Android phone (LineageOS 17.1) but unfortunately this is pretty difficult now.

This is what I did so far: I followed the instructions from https://sailfishmods.de/2019/05/tippstricks-fritzbox-vpn-unter-sailfishos-einrichten/ - installed an new vpnc from http://repo.merproject.org/obs/home:/Nokius:/sfos-playground/sailfish_latest_armv7hl/armv7hl/vpnc-0.5.3.svn550-1.2.1.jolla.armv7hl.rpm - By doing so the vpnc- was replaced by vpnc-0.5.3.svn550-1.2.1.jolla automatically. - I configured the SFOS VPN GUI according to the instructions but I never managed to get it connected to my myfritz account.

Has anybody some good experiences with that? I just wanted to mention that: - I tried to connect from outside(!) the network (by 4G-cellular network) - I noticed that my GUI had a slightly different layout than the pictures in the instructions shown... my phone asked for the shared secred/account details in a seperat step (maybe this can be hint for an installation error/wrong GUI etc...)

I'd be happy to hearing from you in this matter.

All the best, EWo