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posted 2014-02-02 02:38:36 +0200

[BUG?] Taking picture with flash causes shutdown in cold temps

I tried to take a picture with flash the ambient temperature being around -10°C. As a result the phone shut down immediately after the flash fired. I turned the device back on and repeated trying to take a picture. The phone shut down again exactly as before. Battery was 29% after the second boot. Neither of the pictures were saved.

I have not yet tried to reproduce this later. I am not sure if this has nothing to do with the temperature, it is simply the only explanation I came up with. Otherwise I've had no problems with the camera and no sudden shutdowns. Anyone experiencing similar problems?

[BUG?] Taking picture with flash in low charge state causes shutdown in cold tempsshutdown

I tried to take a picture with flash the ambient temperature being around -10°C. As a result the phone shut down immediately after the flash fired. I turned the device back on and repeated trying to take a picture. The phone shut down again exactly as before. Battery was 29% after the second boot. Neither of the pictures were saved.

I have not yet tried to reproduce this later. I am not sure if this has nothing to do with the temperature, it is simply the only explanation I came up with. Otherwise I've had no problems with the camera and no sudden shutdowns. Anyone experiencing similar problems?

EDIT1: According to comments this seems to be battery charge state/voltage related rather than just operating temperature. Edited title and tags accordingly.