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posted 2020-06-21 19:07:33 +0300

Option to not sync All contacts using carddav (or other sync mech.)

I am pretty sure this may be a duplicate. So if you find/know it please link and close.

I am more and more 'under the pressure' to use online contact database as well as for calendar as for contacts.
So I would like some option not to sync all my local contacts with the (evil or even accepted ;)) online storage. I prefer to be my local address book the master and so I would need some option to not upload and sync every contact but just marked/tagged/grouped ones.
There were some discussions dated 2014 but I do not know about some implementation (as well as it is not possible to mark/restrict contacts for sharing with Android side).

Some more insights?
Or waiting further for soon(TM) to come?

Option to not sync All **all** contacts using carddav (or other sync mech.)

I am pretty sure this may be a duplicate. So if you find/know it please link and close.

I am more and more 'under the pressure' to use online contact database as well as for calendar as for contacts.
So I would like some option not to sync all my local contacts with the (evil or even accepted ;)) online storage. I prefer to be my local address book the master and so I would need some option to not upload and sync every contact but just marked/tagged/grouped ones.
There were some discussions (e.g., dated 2014 2014 but I do not know about some implementation (as ((as well as it is not possible to mark/restrict contacts for sharing with Android side). side).

Some more insights?
Or waiting further for soon(TM) to come?

Option to not sync **all** ALL contacts using carddav (or other sync mech.)

I am pretty sure this may be a duplicate. So if you find/know it please link and close.

I am more and more 'under the pressure' to use online contact database as well as for calendar as for contacts.
So I would like some option not to sync all my local contacts with the (evil or even accepted ;)) online storage. I prefer to be my local address book the master and so I would need some option to not upload and sync every contact but just marked/tagged/grouped ones.
There were some discussions (e.g., dated 2014 but I do not know about some implementation (((as well as it is not possible to mark/restrict contacts for sharing with Android side).

Some more insights?
Or waiting further for soon(TM) to come?