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posted 2020-06-30 23:28:08 +0200

Amazfish battery life

Hi, I have an amazfit GTS smartwatch. It work great with amazfish app. But my watch battery life is very short 30 - 40 % per day (~10 day without connection). Is it regular? what's your battery life with your?

firmeware : smartphone : XA2 plus with latest SFOS

Amazfish battery life

Hi, I have an amazfit GTS smartwatch. It work great with amazfish app. But my watch battery life is very short short, it lost 30 - 40 % per day (~10 day without connection). Is it regular? what's your battery life with your?

firmeware : smartphone : XA2 plus with latest SFOS

Amazfish battery life

Hi, I have an amazfit GTS smartwatch. It work great with amazfish app. But my watch battery life is very short, it lost 30 - 40 % per day (~10 day without connection). Is it regular? what's your battery life with your?

firmeware : smartphone : XA2 plus with latest SFOS

edit : I don't know if the watch firmeware is ok, or if I must flash the watch and restor to factory.