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posted 2014-02-04 00:26:36 +0200

Bearer selection in each app

Coming form the Symbian world I'm used that I can choose in each app which bearer (wlan, cellular) the app should use to go online and whether it may go online automatically or if user acknowledgement is required.

There are a few samples where different bearers are sensible: - I download podcasts only over wlan. Hence in my Symbian podcatcher app I forced it wlan to protect my data allowance. - WhatsApp/Mitakuuluu in general do not generate much traffic, however I want to be (almost) always online. So I used to set it to cellular and didn't bother switching bearers in the office when I'm moving in the building.

I guess it's not easy to accomplish in Linux, at least I wouldn't know how to do that with BSD-Style sockets. Maybe there's an approach for that. Is there such a solution for Android and/or iPhone?

Bearer selection in each app

Coming form the Symbian world I'm used that I can choose in each app which bearer (wlan, cellular) the app should use to go online and whether it may go online automatically or if user acknowledgement is required.

There are a few samples where different bearers are sensible: - I download podcasts only over wlan. Hence in my Symbian podcatcher app I forced it wlan to protect my data allowance. - WhatsApp/Mitakuuluu in general do not generate much traffic, however I want to be (almost) always online. So I used to set it to cellular and didn't bother switching bearers in the office when I'm moving in the building.

I guess it's not easy to accomplish in Linux, at least I wouldn't know how to do that with BSD-Style sockets. Maybe there's an approach for that. Is there such a solution for Android and/or iPhone?

Bearer selection in each app

Coming form the Symbian world I'm used that I can choose in each app which bearer (wlan, cellular) the app should use to go online and whether it may go online automatically or if user acknowledgement is required.

There are a few samples where different bearers are sensible: - I download podcasts only over wlan. Hence in my Symbian podcatcher app I forced it wlan to protect my data allowance. - WhatsApp/Mitakuuluu in general do not generate much traffic, however I want to be (almost) always online. So I used to set it to cellular and didn't bother switching bearers in the office when I'm moving in the building.

I guess it's not easy to accomplish in Linux, at least I wouldn't know how to do that with BSD-Style sockets. Maybe there's an approach for that. Is there such a solution for Android and/or iPhone?

Bearer selection in each app

Coming form the Symbian world I'm used that I can choose in each app which bearer (wlan, cellular) the app should use to go online and whether it may go online automatically or if user acknowledgement is required.

There are a few samples where different bearers are sensible: - I download podcasts only over wlan. Hence in my Symbian podcatcher app I forced it wlan to protect my data allowance. - WhatsApp/Mitakuuluu in general do not generate much traffic, however I want to be (almost) always online. So I used to set it to cellular and didn't bother switching bearers in the office when I'm moving in the building.

I guess it's not easy to accomplish in Linux, at least I wouldn't know how to do that with BSD-Style sockets. Maybe there's an approach for that. Is there such a solution for Android and/or iPhone?

Bearer selection in each app

Coming form the Symbian world I'm used that I can choose in each app which bearer (wlan, cellular) the app should use to go online and whether it may go online automatically or if user acknowledgement is required.

There are a few samples where different bearers are sensible: - I download podcasts only over wlan. Hence in my Symbian podcatcher app I forced it wlan to protect my data allowance. - WhatsApp/Mitakuuluu in general do not generate much traffic, however I want to be (almost) always online. So I used to set it to cellular and didn't bother switching bearers in the office when I'm moving in the building.

I guess it's not easy to accomplish in Linux, at least I wouldn't know how to do that with BSD-Style sockets. Maybe there's an approach for that. Is there such a solution for Android and/or iPhone?