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posted 2014-02-06 21:46:11 +0200

Context menus are inconsistent

Context-menus should behave like pulley-menus and give away their secrets without moving too much.

What we love about the pulley is that you activate an item without tapping while being able to read it.

That does not work that well with context-menus!

How about having the long-tap activate a pulley-menu with the context and not a menu under your finger you cannot read without moving your finger below it and back up to release at the actual item? It could pop down from the top with a vibration locking in the first item in the very second the long-tap is being recognized.

I just showed the device to a friend and that was an inconsistency he recognized within 30seconds (tech-savvy guy).

Context menus are inconsistent

Context-menus should behave like pulley-menus and give away their secrets without moving too much.

What we love about the pulley is that you activate an item without tapping while being able to read it.

That does not work that well with context-menus!

How about having the long-tap activate a pulley-menu with the context and not a menu under your finger you cannot read without moving your finger below it and back up to release at the actual item? It could pop down from the top with a vibration locking in the first item in the very second the long-tap is being recognized.

I just showed the device to a friend and that was an inconsistency he recognized within 30seconds (tech-savvy guy).