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posted 2014-02-08 10:01:00 +0200

compass does not work upside down

the compass app or hardware does not work if you're laying on your back and holding it above your head in upside down position.

compass does not work upside down

the compass app or hardware does not work if you're laying on your back and holding it above your head in upside down position.

compass does not work upside down

the compass app or hardware does not work if you're laying on your back and holding it above your head in upside down position.

update: the problem still exists with SFOSv2.0.1.11

compass does not work upside down

the compass app or hardware does not work if you're laying on your back and holding it above your head in upside down position.

update: the problem still exists with SFOSv2.0.1.11

update: the problem still exists with SFOSv2.0.2.51 - jolla 1