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posted 2014-02-08 14:27:27 +0200

Native LinkedIn client needed

To enhance the Jolla/SailfishOS social-media support and more enterprise-centric provision of services, a LinkeIn native client is needed.

The client can be implemented with 3rd-party developers or in collaboration with Jolla and it should be integrated to system UI and services the same way as other SoMe-services (FB, Twitter, email, IM, etc).

Also, a LinkedIn account should be added to System settings to make it possible to integrate LinkedIn to other system functionalities (for this there is a related question already in Together)

Native LinkedIn client needed

To enhance the Jolla/SailfishOS social-media support and more enterprise-centric provision of services, a LinkeIn native client is needed.needed. (a related question which lists many business-related requirements and needs for SailfishOS: https://together.jolla.com/question/20499/jolla-should-target-business-use-requirements-added/)

The client can be implemented with 3rd-party developers or in collaboration with Jolla and it should be integrated to system UI and services the same way as other SoMe-services (FB, Twitter, email, IM, etc).

Also, a LinkedIn account should be added to System settings to make it possible to integrate LinkedIn to other system functionalities (for this there is a related question already in Together)