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posted 2014-02-09 16:35:11 +0300

mke gravatar image

Feasture-request: enable download of link target

I miss the possibility to save the target of a link in the jolla browser. This feature should be added to the page opening after pressing a long time on a link. (The same as in firefox after right-clicking on a link: "Save target as ...").

Feasture-request: Feature-request: enable download of link targettarget in browser

I miss the possibility to save the target of a link in the jolla browser. This feature should be added to the page opening after pressing a long time on a link. (The same as in firefox after right-clicking on a link: "Save target as ...").

Feature-request: enable download of link target in browser

I miss the possibility to save the target of a link in the jolla browser. This feature should be added to the page opening after pressing a long time on a link. (The same as in firefox after right-clicking on a link: "Save target as ...").