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posted 2014-02-09 20:18:39 +0300

Chars left and SMS count during compose


when I do compose a SMS I would like to see how much characters are used (e.g. 42/160 for SMS containing only 7-bit characters). The final count of SMS to be sent would be interesting as well of course.

Chars Characters left and SMS count during compose


when I do compose a SMS I would like to see how much characters are used (e.g. 42/160 for SMS containing only 7-bit characters). The final count of SMS to be sent would be interesting as well of course.

Characters left and SMS count during compose


when I do compose a SMS I would like to see how much characters are used (e.g. 42/160 for SMS containing only 7-bit characters). The final count of SMS to be sent would be interesting as well of course.

Characters left and SMS count during compose


when I do compose a SMS I would like to see how much characters are used (e.g. 42/160 for SMS containing only 7-bit characters). The final count of SMS to be sent would be interesting as well of course.

Characters left and SMS count during compose


when I do compose a SMS I would like to see how much characters are used (e.g. 42/160 for SMS containing only 7-bit characters). The final count of SMS to be sent would be interesting as well of course.