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posted 2014-02-11 15:05:03 +0300

evk gravatar image

Don't use enter key as submit for comments in store

It would be nice to put newlines in store-comments, but even if this for some reason shouldn't be allowed. It should be a bit more obvious that you're about to submit your comment. Right now it's very easy to post a half written comment by mistake. And currently you can't edit or delete your comment, but that another issue (https://together.jolla.com/question/16198/jolla-store-add-possibility-to-editremove-comments-for-apps/)

Don't use enter key as submit for comments in store

It would be nice to put newlines in store-comments, but even if this for some reason shouldn't be allowed. It should be a bit more obvious that you're about to submit your comment. Right now it's very easy to post a half written comment by mistake. And currently you can't edit or delete your comment, but that another issue (https://together.jolla.com/question/16198/jolla-store-add-possibility-to-editremove-comments-for-apps/)