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posted 2014-02-11 21:34:08 +0200

SilicaWebView comboboxes on a webpage don't work

Given the code below, the page loads fine, but the comboboxes on the webpage just don't work at least with this page while the very same page works fine on the the default web browser. I didn't find any documentation regarding this issue in neither the SilcaWebView nor the QtWebKit WebView documentation. Google also came up short. Please note that I have only tried it with this webpage so this issue might very well not exist on others. Any help would be much appreciated.


Page { SilicaWebView { anchors.fill: parent; url: "http://m.tfl.gov.uk/mt/journeyplanner.tfl.gov.uk" } }

SilicaWebView comboboxes on a webpage don't work

Given the code below, the page loads fine, but the comboboxes on the webpage just don't work at least with this page while the very same page works fine on the the default web browser. I didn't find any documentation regarding this issue in neither the SilcaWebView nor the QtWebKit WebView documentation. Google also came up short. Please note that I have only tried it with this webpage so this issue might very well not exist on others. Any help would be much appreciated.


Page { {

SilicaWebView {
      anchors.fill: parent;
      url: "http://m.tfl.gov.uk/mt/journeyplanner.tfl.gov.uk"
