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posted 2014-02-13 09:35:01 +0300

calendar organize birthday

In native calendar it's possible to organize birthday entries. This function is called "Organize Calendar". -- Don't know if that translation is right. In german it's called "Kalender verwalten". -- So you can merge a birthday calendar with the main calendar by activating it. Any birthday entry is shown in calendar. So far so good. But the entry says "full-time" or "whole-time" instead of "Birthday".

calendar organize manage birthday

In native calendar it's possible to organize birthday entries. This function is called "Organize "Manage Calendar". -- Don't know if that translation is right. In german it's called "Kalender verwalten". -- So you can merge a birthday calendar with the main calendar by activating it. Any birthday entry is shown in calendar. So far so good. But the entry says "full-time" or "whole-time" instead of "Birthday".

calendar manage birthday

In native calendar it's possible to organize birthday entries. This function is called "Manage Calendar". -- Don't know if that translation is right. In german it's called "Kalender verwalten". -- So you can merge a birthday calendar with the main calendar by activating it. Any birthday entry is shown in calendar. So far so good. But the entry says "full-time" or "whole-time" instead of "Birthday".