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initial version

posted 2013-12-18 13:52:01 +0200

Application deployment to device fails with libsailfishapp.so.1 missing

This is because application deployment to device needs to be done first as rpm and rpm packaging (yaml/spec) needs to be valid for the application run-time requirements. PackageKit in device will download needed components to device and thus enabling usage of libsailfishapp.so.

Application deployment to device fails with libsailfishapp.so.1 missing

This is because application deployment to device needs to be done first as rpm and rpm packaging (yaml/spec) needs to be valid for the application run-time requirements. PackageKit in device will download needed components to device and thus enabling usage of libsailfishapp.so.

Application deployment to device fails with libsailfishapp.so.1 missingmissing [with answer included]

This is because application deployment to device needs to be done first as rpm and rpm packaging (yaml/spec) needs to be valid for the application run-time requirements. PackageKit in device will download needed components to device and thus enabling usage of libsailfishapp.so.