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posted 2014-02-15 17:12:16 +0200

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Ambiences could serve as (wireless) profiles


one of the first things I miss on my Jolla ist the possibility to easily switch profiles(e.g. no wifi/phone - only wifi, only phone etc.). Couldn't these be bound to an ambience change as for example the volume already is? This would easily provide visual feedback and be quite intuitive as well. Having to enter 'settings' everytime I want to enable/disable wifi is a little tedious and I tend to switch it on and off rather often.


Ambiences could serve as (wireless) profiles


one of the first things I miss on my Jolla ist the possibility to easily switch profiles(e.g. no wifi/phone - only wifi, only phone etc.). Couldn't these be bound to an ambience change as for example the volume already is? This would easily provide visual feedback and be quite intuitive as well. Having to enter 'settings' everytime I want to enable/disable wifi is a little tedious and I tend to switch it on and off rather often.
