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posted 2013-12-26 18:47:41 +0300

ambience not working after change of storage

I initially had all my pictures on SD and the creating of ambience was fast and worked without a hitch. I then decided to put all my pictures and wallpapers to /nemo/home/Pictures.

Since then i can't create or change any ambiences. The stock ambiecens i can save as favourites but also can't activate them.

Now i don't know if that is a bug or just a weirtd behaviour.

ambience not working after change of storage

I initially had all my pictures on SD and the creating of ambience was fast and worked without a hitch. I then decided to put all my pictures and wallpapers to /nemo/home/Pictures.

Since then i can't create or change any ambiences. The stock ambiecens i can save as favourites but also can't activate them.

Now i don't know if that is a bug or just a weirtd behaviour.