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posted 2013-12-26 18:56:28 +0200

NFS mount app

It would be nice to have an NFS mounting app that would work (possibly via openvpn) or whatever network. The biggest benefit would be that you could eg: play music or videos without having to copy the file over network.

I imagine that some people could like cifs too.

NFS mount app

It would be nice to have an NFS mounting app app that would work (possibly via openvpn) or whatever network. The biggest benefit would be that you could eg: play music or videos without having to copy the file over network.

I imagine that some people could like cifs too.

NFS mount app

It would be nice to have an NFS mounting app that would work (possibly via openvpn) or whatever network. The biggest benefit would be that you could eg: play music or videos without having to copy the file over network.

I imagine that some people could like cifs too.

Edit: i know that NFS access should be possible in the basic OS, though an app to manage it would be nice :-)