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posted 2014-02-17 23:48:57 +0200

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Bug: Sending mail to multiple recipients creates a wrong "To"-Header

The SailfishOS mail application seems to use the wrong separator for separating multiple mail addresses in the to-Header. According to RFC2882 Section 3.4 the mail addresses in the "to" are supposed to be separted by ,. The mail however seems to use ; which seems to cause problems with some servers. This is the to I get when sending mails to multiple recipients using the SailfishOS Mailer:

To: mail1@domain.tld;mail2@domain2.tld;mail3@domain.tld;

Correct would be:

To: mail1@domain.tld, mail2@domain2.tld, mail3@domain.tld

And even better (when selecting mail recipients from the Addressbook):

To: Firstname1 Lastname1 <mail1@domain.tld>, Firstname2 Lastname <mail2@domain2.tld>

Bug: Sending mail to multiple recipients creates a wrong "To"-Header

The SailfishOS mail application seems to use the wrong separator for separating multiple mail addresses in the to-Header. According to RFC2882 Section 3.4 the mail addresses in the "to" are supposed to be separted by ,. The mail however seems to use ; which seems to cause problems with some servers. This is the to I get when sending mails to multiple recipients using the SailfishOS Mailer:

To: mail1@domain.tld;mail2@domain2.tld;mail3@domain.tld;

Correct would be:

To: mail1@domain.tld, mail2@domain2.tld, mail3@domain.tld

And even better (when selecting mail recipients from the Addressbook):

To: Firstname1 Lastname1 <mail1@domain.tld>, Firstname2 Lastname <mail2@domain2.tld>

Bug: Sending mail to multiple recipients creates a wrong "To"-Header

The SailfishOS mail application seems to use the wrong separator for separating multiple mail addresses in the to-Header. According to RFC2882 Section 3.4 the mail addresses in the "to" are supposed to be separted by ,. The mail however seems to use ; which seems to cause problems with some servers. This is the to I get when sending mails to multiple recipients using the SailfishOS Mailer:

To: mail1@domain.tld;mail2@domain2.tld;mail3@domain.tld;

Correct would be:

To: mail1@domain.tld, mail2@domain2.tld, mail3@domain.tld

And even better (when selecting mail recipients from the Addressbook):

To: Firstname1 Lastname1 <mail1@domain.tld>, Firstname2 Lastname <mail2@domain2.tld>

Bug: Sending mail to multiple recipients creates a wrong "To"-Header

The SailfishOS mail application seems to use the wrong separator for separating multiple mail addresses in the to-Header. According to RFC2882 Section 3.4 the mail addresses in the "to" are supposed to be separted by ,. The mail however seems to use ; which seems to cause problems with some servers. This is the to I get when sending mails to multiple recipients using the SailfishOS Mailer:

To: mail1@domain.tld;mail2@domain2.tld;mail3@domain.tld;

Correct would be:

To: mail1@domain.tld, mail2@domain2.tld, mail3@domain.tld

And even better (when selecting mail recipients from the Addressbook):

To: Firstname1 Lastname1 <mail1@domain.tld>, Firstname2 Lastname <mail2@domain2.tld>