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posted 2014-03-08 20:18:23 +0200

Native file browser option

An option in the native file browser i would like to see in the future is 'show hidden files' like most distributions have, even Windows OS has it. Then at least you can see all the maps and files that are on your phone because it's your phone and you paid 399€ for it. And to me open in open source means open and not hidden.

Native file browser option

An option in the native file browser i would like to see in the future is 'show hidden files' like most distributions have, even Windows OS has it. Then at least you can see all the maps and files that are on your phone because it's your phone and you paid 399€ for it. And to me open in open source means open and not hidden.it.

Native file browser option

An option in the native file browser i would like to see in the future is 'show hidden files' like most distributions have, even Windows OS has it. Then at least you can see all the maps and files that are on your phone because it's your phone and you paid 399€ for it.