Jolla must-have missing features in one post
- doubletab doesnt always wake up the phone, usually the second doubletap works
- lockscreen pulley-menu options have to modifieable, no one uses those except of silencing (->long press to alter them?)
- also event screen pulley-menu options are the wrong way, clear should be first and not update (->long press to alter it?)
- the n9 event-screen with integrated feeds is a must, and maybe to be choosable with the sideswiping, replacing ambience-choosing
- real-time notifications -> push -> mails, facebook etc, everything needs to be real-time, the info must be there rightaway and not after minutes.
- app drawer/launcher foldering (c'mon)
- android/sailfish to share the images instantly, why this isnt already so?
- android system/app-sounds to follow the sailfish one, what on earth, jolla is silent but android apps makes sounds?
- android notifications to lockscreen. The decision to not to put them on lockscreen has no logic from user point, once again REALTIME and easy access is the key.
- home screen design flaw. There is no point that when all apps are closed, home is empty besides the four icons. It has to have something usefull on it?
- user-point choosing of what to show on locksreen, battery etc
- user-point choosing of what apps are locked to homescreen, for example, dont want android to close down.
- user-point choosing of launcher/app drawer to free scroll (paging is okay but...)
- fast-dial to phone, omg, how can this already not be?
What is the timeline for these, oh dears?