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1 | initial version | posted 2014-03-19 12:01:04 +0200 |
After updateing to I encounter the following problem on Android Apps:
no longer access to contacts on Sailfish
copy to clipboard on Android but no paste from clipboard to SailfishOS
2 | No.2 Revision |
After updateing to I encounter the following problem on Android Apps:
no longer access to contacts on Sailfish
copy to clipboard on Android but no paste from clipboard to SailfishOS
3 | No.3 Revision |
After updateing to I encounter the following problem on Android Apps:
no longer access to Sailfish contacts on Sailfishform Android App (Threema no longer working)
copy to clipboard on Android but no paste from clipboard to SailfishOS
4 | No.4 Revision |
After updateing to I encounter the following problem on Android Apps:
no longer access to Sailfish contacts form Android App (Threema no longer working)
copy to clipboard on Android but no paste from clipboard to SailfishOS
After updateing to I encounter the following problem on Android Apps:
no longer access to Sailfish contacts form Android App (Threema no longer working)
copy to clipboard on Android but no paste from clipboard to SailfishOS
6 | No.6 Revision |
After updateing to I encounter the following problem on Android Apps:
no longer access to Sailfish contacts form Android App (Threema no longer working)
copy to clipboard on Android but no paste from clipboard to SailfishOS
7 | No.7 Revision |
After updateing to I encounter the following problem on Android Apps:
no longer access to Sailfish contacts form Android App (Threema no longer working)
copy to clipboard on Android but no paste from clipboard to SailfishOS