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initial version

posted 2013-12-27 13:11:25 +0200

New email from cover is restricted to one mailbox

When selecting "+" from the Email application cover, the new email is sent from a specific mailbox, which isn't possible to define from within the UI. In my case, it's sent from the mailbox that I set up last. It would be nice to:
a) be able to select a default mailbox from where emails will be sent
b) be able to change the "from" mailbox at the time of composition, maybe from the pulley menu

New email from cover is restricted Option to one mailboxset default mailbox for outgoing mail

When selecting "+" from the Email application cover, the new email is sent from a specific mailbox, which isn't possible to define from within the UI. In my case, it's sent from the mailbox that I set up last. It would be nice to:
a) be able to select a default mailbox from where emails will be sent
b) be able to change the "from" mailbox at the time of composition, maybe from the pulley menu

Option to set default mailbox for outgoing mail

When selecting "+" from the Email application cover, the new email is sent from a specific mailbox, which isn't possible to define from within the UI. In my case, it's sent from the mailbox that I set up last. It would be nice to:
a) be able to select a default mailbox from where emails will be sent
b) be able to change the "from" mailbox at the time of composition, maybe from the pulley menu