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posted 2014-03-24 10:45:30 +0200

Set like on app in app delete screen

At the moment you can 'like' an app only in the store itself. Some Android apps even ask you to like them. It would be nice if I could see from the app lancher screen which apps I liked. And if I could like and app in the app delete screen (after a long tap) that would be even more awesome.

Set like 'like' on app in app delete screen

At the moment you can 'like' an app only in the store itself. Some Android apps even ask you to like them. It would be nice if I could see from the app lancher screen which apps I liked. And if I could like and app in the app delete screen (after a long tap) that would be even more awesome.

Set 'like' on app in app delete screen

At the moment you can 'like' an app only in the store itself. Some Android apps even ask you to like them. It would be nice if I could see from the app lancher screen which apps I liked. And if I could like and an app in the app delete screen (after a long tap) that would be even more awesome.

Set 'like' on app in app delete screen

At the moment you can 'like' an app only in the store itself. Some Android apps even ask you to like them. It would be nice if I could see from the app lancher screen which apps I liked. And if I could like an app in the app delete screen (after a long tap) that would be even more awesome.

Set 'like' on app in app delete screen

At the moment you can 'like' an app only in the store itself. Some Android apps even ask you to like them. It would be nice if I could see from the app lancher screen which apps I liked. And if I could like an app in the app delete screen (after a long tap) that would be even more awesome.