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initial version

posted 2014-03-26 20:44:04 +0200

QML Text/Label horizontal alibnment bug

QMl Rich Text/Label element have incorrect horizontal alignment if line starts with

Label {
    width: parent.width
    horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
    text: '<img src="image://theme/graphic-busyindicator-small">text'
    textFormat: Text.RichText
    wrapMode: Text.Wrap


QML Text/Label horizontal alibnment alignment bug

QMl Rich Text/Label element have incorrect horizontal alignment if line starts with

Label {
    width: parent.width
    horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
    text: '<img src="image://theme/graphic-busyindicator-small">text'
    textFormat: Text.RichText
    wrapMode: Text.Wrap


QML Text/Label horizontal alignment bug

QMl Rich Text/Label element have incorrect horizontal alignment if line starts with html image inside

Label {
    width: parent.width
    horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
    text: '<img src="image://theme/graphic-busyindicator-small">text'
    textFormat: Text.RichText
    wrapMode: Text.Wrap
