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posted 2013-12-27 15:04:14 +0200

Contact linking logic should be configurable

When I am linking a contact in contacts app, I cannot see how its decided which contact will remain in the contacts list. I thought it would be important which contact the linking is initiated by, but it turned out not to be the case. This behaviour is messing my contacts list and I am putting some local phone account in place to get back the wanted name. It is mostly messing up when a contact has not chosen his real name as name, so I have e.g. a contact "John Smith" from Google and "J Smooth" in Facebook. Linking them should preferably give me "John Smith"...

Contact Why can't I decide which account is the main one when linking logic should be configurablecontacts?

When I am linking a contact in contacts app, I cannot see how its decided which contact will remain in the contacts list. I thought it would be important which contact the linking is initiated by, but it turned out not to be the case. This behaviour is messing my contacts list and I am putting some local phone account in place to get back the wanted name. It is mostly messing up when a contact has not chosen his real name as name, so I have e.g. a contact "John Smith" from Google and "J Smooth" in Facebook. Linking them should preferably give me "John Smith"...