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posted 2013-12-27 16:55:55 +0300

USB Tethering

I really enjoy being able to plug in my phone to my laptop on a train and use its usually superior reception. Also it charges in the meantime. So this would be a very welcome feature for me. It should be relatively easy to achieve since USB networking seems to already be there. The CM10 implementation of this works very nicely indeed.

USB TetheringTethering (works on Xperia X 2.3.5)

I really enjoy being able to plug in my phone to my laptop on a train and use its usually superior reception. Also it charges in the meantime. So this would be a very welcome feature for me. It should be relatively easy to achieve since USB networking seems to already be there. The CM10 implementation of this works very nicely indeed.

USB Tethering (works on Xperia X 2.3.5)Tethering

I really enjoy being able to plug in my phone to my laptop on a train and use its usually superior reception. Also it charges in the meantime. So this would be a very welcome feature for me. It should be relatively easy to achieve since USB networking seems to already be there. The CM10 implementation of this works very nicely indeed.