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posted 2014-04-14 09:01:42 +0200

Are there screen covers for Jolla?

If not, is there another phone with same screen size and shape? I could buy a protective coating meant for this phone, and be sure it would fit the Jolla screen?

Are there screen covers for Jolla?

If not, is there another phone with same screen size and shape? I could buy a protective coating meant for this phone, and be sure it would fit the Jolla screen?

Are there screen covers for Jolla?

If not, is there another phone with same screen size and shape? I could buy a protective coating meant for this phone, and be sure it would fit the Jolla screen?

Are there screen covers for Jolla?

If not, is there another phone with same screen size and shape? I could buy a protective coating meant for this phone, and be sure it would fit the Jolla screen?