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posted 2013-12-27 20:02:54 +0300

Seeing what's new in app updates

I did not see any obvious way to see release notes or what's new with apps in Jolla store. Did I miss something or is this just not implemented in the Store app, or is submitting of release notes missing even from Jolla's Store backend?

It is nice to see that apps are being updated by their developers but not seeing what I will get with the update is quite unsatisfying.

Seeing what's new in app updates

I did not see any obvious way to see release notes or what's new with apps in Jolla store. Did I miss something or is this just not implemented in the Store app, or is submitting of release notes missing even from Jolla's Store backend?

It is nice to see that apps are being updated by their developers but not seeing what I will get with the update is quite unsatisfying.

Seeing what's new in app updates

I did not see any obvious way to see release notes or what's new with apps in Jolla store. Did I miss something or is this just not implemented in the Store app, or is submitting of release notes missing even from Jolla's Store backend?

It is nice to see that apps are being updated by their developers but not seeing what I will get with the update is quite unsatisfying.

Seeing what's new in app updates

I did not see any obvious way to see release notes or what's new with apps in Jolla store. Did I miss something or is this just not implemented in the Store app, or is submitting of release notes missing even from Jolla's Store backend?

It is nice to see that apps are being updated by their developers but not seeing what I will get with the update is quite unsatisfying.