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posted 2014-04-14 20:09:42 +0300

mail client swipe stops

This is weird, it happens every once in a while. Swipe options (in top left corner) disappear sometimes if you read a mail from the client (exchange) and then minimize it, and go back to the mail after a while. This seems to be more peculiar if mails have attachments.

mail client swipe stops

This is weird, it happens every once in a while. Swipe options (in top left corner) disappear sometimes if you read a mail from the client (exchange) and then minimize it, and go back to the mail after a while. This seems to be more peculiar if mails have attachments.

mail client swipe stops

This is weird, it happens every once in a while. Swipe options (in top left corner) disappear sometimes if you read a mail from the client (exchange) and then minimize it, and go back to the mail after a while. This seems to be more peculiar if mails have attachments.