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posted 2013-12-28 00:20:02 +0200

Permission control at least for Android apps

I'd surely like to control what applications do behind my back. Getting rid of spies was one of the biggest reason to get into Jolla.

For example Yandex on my Android device wants to record audio, which is unbelievable behaviour: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hekol3jxv01o6v0/Yandex_permissions.png

Permission control at least for Android apps

I'd surely like to control what applications do behind my back. Getting rid of spies was one of the biggest reason to get into Jolla.

For example Yandex on my Android device wants to record audio, which is unbelievable behaviour: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hekol3jxv01o6v0/Yandex_permissions.png

Permission control at least for Android apps

I'd surely like to control what applications do behind my back. Getting rid of spies was one of the biggest reason to get into Jolla.

For example Yandex on my Android device wants to record audio, which is unbelievable behaviour: behavior: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hekol3jxv01o6v0/Yandex_permissions.png

Edit: For Android apps specific rights see: https://together.jolla.com/question/982/display-and-edit-android-apk-rights-when-installing-from-transfers/

Permission control for apps

I'd surely like to control what applications do behind my back. Getting rid of spies was one of the biggest reason to get into Jolla.

For example Yandex on my Android device wants to record audio, which is unbelievable behavior: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hekol3jxv01o6v0/Yandex_permissions.png

Edit: For Android apps specific rights see: https://together.jolla.com/question/982/display-and-edit-android-apk-rights-when-installing-from-transfers/

Permission control for apps

I'd surely like to control what applications do behind my back. Getting rid of spies was one of the biggest reason to get into Jolla.

For example Yandex on my Android device wants to record audio, which is unbelievable behavior: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hekol3jxv01o6v0/Yandex_permissions.png

Edit: For Android apps specific rights see: https://together.jolla.com/question/982/display-and-edit-android-apk-rights-when-installing-from-transfers/