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posted 2013-12-28 01:59:40 +0300

Take serial shots with camera app

Take serial shots with camera app. Possibility to change how many pictures are taken at one time. Could be also combined with timelapse/delay feature to take multiple pictures with timer.

Take serial shots with camera app

Take serial shots with camera app. Possibility to change how many pictures are taken at one time. Could be also combined with timelapse/delay feature to take multiple pictures with timer.

Take serial shots with camera app

Take serial shots with camera app. Possibility to change how many pictures are taken at one time. Activation could be done by either holding down or alternatively pressing once on camera shot button onscreen or using volumebutton. Could be also combined with timelapse/delay feature to take multiple pictures with timer.

Take serial shots with camera app

Take serial shots with camera app. Possibility to change how many pictures are taken at one time. Activation could be done by either holding down or alternatively pressing once on camera shot button onscreen or using volumebutton. Could be also combined with timelapse/delay feature to take multiple pictures with timer.

Take serial shots with camera app

Take serial shots with camera app. Possibility to change how many pictures are taken at one time. Activation could be done by either holding down or alternatively pressing once on camera shot button onscreen or using volumebutton. Could be also combined with timelapse/delay feature to take multiple pictures with timer.

(This answer is transferred to wiki post in order to prevent getting karma from it. However if you like the idea, please give your vote.)

Take serial shots with camera app

Take serial shots with camera app. Possibility to change how many pictures are taken at one time. Activation could be done by either holding down or alternatively pressing once on camera shot button onscreen or using volumebutton. Could be also combined with timelapse/delay feature to take multiple pictures with timer.

(This answer is transferred to wiki post in order to prevent getting karma from it. However if you like the idea, please give your vote.)

Take serial Serial shots with mode for camera app

Take serial shots (multiple picture shots) with camera app. Possibility to change how many pictures are taken at one time. Activation of serial shots (pictures) could be done by either holding down or alternatively pressing once on camera shot button onscreen or using volumebutton. Could be also combined with timelapse/delay feature to take multiple pictures with timer.

(This answer is transferred to wiki post in order to prevent getting karma from it. However if you like the idea, please give your vote.)