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posted 2014-06-01 10:53:52 +0200

Smartbands for the Jolla phone?

Hi everybody,

I am just wondering about smartbands for the Jolla phone. Has anybody tried smartbands available for Android? Are there smartbands with a native app for Jolla? Actually, I would be quite happy with a waterproof smartband giving me notifications of incoming calls and messages.

Many thanks for suggestuions!

Smartbands for the Jolla phone?

Hi everybody,

I am just wondering about smartbands for the Jolla phone. Has anybody tried smartbands available for Android? Are there smartbands with a native app for Jolla? Actually, I would be quite happy with a waterproof smartband giving me notifications of incoming calls and messages.

Many thanks for suggestuions!suggestions!

Smartbands for the Jolla phone?

Hi everybody,

I am just wondering about smartbands for the Jolla phone. Has anybody tried smartbands available for Android? Are there smartbands with a native app for Jolla? Actually, I would be quite happy with a waterproof smartband giving me notifications of incoming calls and messages.

Many thanks for suggestions!