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posted 2014-06-09 16:31:44 +0200

Random MAC address while scanning for networks

I stumbled upon this tweet describing how iOS 8 will randomize the WLAN MAC address when scanning for wireless networks. Without credible sources the tweet is quite useless but the idea is sound. Minimizing your device footprint while roaming the world would be a good thing. Any chance Jolla might consider this?

MAC address changing has already been covered here.

Random MAC address while scanning for wireless networks

I stumbled upon this tweet describing how iOS 8 will randomize the WLAN MAC address when scanning for wireless networks. Without credible sources the tweet is quite useless but the idea is sound. Minimizing your device footprint while roaming the world would be a good thing. Any chance Jolla might consider this?

MAC address changing has already been covered here.

Random MAC address while scanning for wireless networks

I stumbled upon this tweet describing how iOS 8 will randomize the WLAN MAC address when scanning for wireless networks. Without credible sources the tweet is quite useless but the idea is sound. Minimizing your device footprint while roaming the world would be a good thing. Any chance Jolla might consider this?

MAC address changing has already been covered here.