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initial version

posted 2013-12-28 13:08:20 +0300

Ability to rename favorites/bookmarks

At the moment user can not edit or rename the favs/bookmarks. This would be a nice basic feature to have in the browser.

Ability to rename favorites/bookmarks

At the moment user can not edit or rename the favs/bookmarks. This would be a nice basic feature to have in the browser.

Ability to rename favorites/bookmarksfavourites/bookmarks

At the moment user can not edit or rename the favs/bookmarks. This would be a nice basic feature to have in the browser.

Ability to rename favourites/bookmarks

At the moment user can not edit or rename the favs/bookmarks. This would be a nice basic feature to have in the browser.

Ability to rename favourites/bookmarks

At the moment user can not edit or rename the favs/bookmarks. This would be a nice basic feature to have in the browser.