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posted 2013-12-28 14:36:51 +0300

"Low level" access to WiFi/WLAN system fails for Android apps

I am trying to use Android apps which require low level access to the WiFi/WLAN interface, but I fail as those apps obviously can't connect to the WiFi system.

I call it "low level" as I'm not quite sure where the problem is located, that Android apps like

WiFi Analyzer or Monzoon WorldFlat

don't work, as they require access to WiFi for scanning access points, evaluating SSID's etc. Sounds for me a bit similar like camera access, which did not work for Android apps at the beginning, but got solved after the last "flood of updates" for OS and certain apps :)

"Low level" access to WiFi/WLAN system fails for Android apps

I am trying to use Android apps which require low level access to the WiFi/WLAN interface, but I fail as those apps obviously can't connect to the WiFi system.

I call it "low level" as I'm not quite sure where the problem is located, that Android apps like

WiFi Analyzer or Monzoon WorldFlat

don't work, as they require access to WiFi for scanning access points, evaluating SSID's etc. Sounds for me a bit similar like camera access, which did not work for Android apps at the beginning, but got solved after the last "flood of updates" for OS and certain apps :)

"Low level" access to WiFi/WLAN system fails for Android apps

I am trying to use Android apps which require low level access to the WiFi/WLAN interface, but I fail as those apps obviously can't connect to the WiFi system.

I call it "low level" as I'm not quite sure where the problem is located, that Android apps like

WiFi Analyzer or Monzoon WorldFlat

don't work, as they require access to WiFi for scanning access points, evaluating SSID's etc. Sounds for me a bit similar like camera access, which did not work for Android apps at the beginning, but got solved after the last "flood of updates" for OS and certain apps :)

"Low level" access to WiFi/WLAN system fails for Android apps

I am trying to use Android apps which require low level access to the WiFi/WLAN interface, but I fail as those apps obviously can't connect to the WiFi system.

I call it "low level" as I'm not quite sure where the problem is located, that Android apps like

WiFi Analyzer or Monzoon WorldFlat

don't work, as they require access to WiFi for scanning access points, evaluating SSID's etc. Sounds for me a bit similar like camera access, which did not work for Android apps at the beginning, but got solved after the last "flood of updates" for OS and certain apps :)