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initial version

posted 2013-12-28 15:48:50 +0200

Add possibility to add new XMPP contacts

AFAIK it isn't possible yet to add new XMPP contacts via their XMPP ID in the people or messages app. This is a very important feature, e.g. if you're around somewhere and want to add someone as a contact.

Add possibility to add new XMPP contacts

AFAIK it isn't possible yet to add new XMPP contacts via their XMPP ID in the people or messages app. This is a very important feature, e.g. if you're around somewhere and want to add someone as a contact.

Add possibility to add new XMPP contacts

AFAIK it isn't possible yet to add new XMPP contacts via their XMPP ID in the people or messages app. This is a very important feature, e.g. if you're around somewhere and want to add someone as a contact.

Add possibility to add new XMPP contacts

AFAIK it isn't possible yet to add new XMPP contacts via their XMPP ID in the people or messages app. This is a very important feature, e.g. if you're around somewhere and want to add someone as a contact.

Add possibility to add new XMPP contacts

AFAIK it isn't possible yet to add new XMPP contacts via their XMPP ID in the people or messages app. This is a very important feature, e.g. if you're around somewhere and want to add someone as a contact.

We also need the possibility to confirm or decline ingoing contact requests, which are necessary for other people adding us to their contact list.

Add possibility to add new XMPP contacts

AFAIK it isn't possible yet to add new XMPP contacts via their XMPP ID in the people or messages app. This is a very important feature, e.g. if you're around somewhere and want to add someone as a contact.

We also need the possibility to confirm or decline ingoing contact requests, which are necessary for other people adding us to their contact list.list. Having to use a desktop client doesn't only suck but is also ashaming for a phone promising real XMPP support.