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posted 2014-06-18 12:23:58 +0200

Context menu in multitasking view

Would it be possible to add a context menu to the apps in multitasking view (long press currently simply closes multitasking view)? I would like some options like:

  • set priority
  • allow unlimited processing in background (e.g. for Android apps when they get own windows in future)
  • pin (position for app is pinned in multitasking view, same as in Firefox where the first tabs can be pinned)
  • autorun on device boot

Maybe these are multiple requests in one posts, but this one suggests how these options could be integrated in UX (as context menu).

Context menu in multitasking view

Would it be possible to add a context menu to the apps in multitasking view (long press currently simply closes multitasking view)? I would like some options like:

  • set priority
  • allow unlimited processing in background (e.g. for Android apps when they get own windows in future)
  • pin (position for app is pinned in multitasking view, same as in Firefox where the first tabs can be pinned)
  • autorun on device boot

Maybe these are multiple requests in one posts, post, but this one suggests how these options could be integrated in UX (as context menu).