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posted 2014-06-20 02:00:33 +0200

Bluetooth automatic pairing failures with car after Jolla update


I am using Bluetooth to pair with my car to play my music library and to make and receive calls. I have observed that after the recent update this pairing which seemed to have worked flawlessly is not having issues. Every 3 to 4 time it pairs automatically, and then it does not. I have tried several options, creating a fresh pair, restarting the handset, and also having to go into the settings to manually force the connection to pair. In case it matters the car is a Mazda 3.

Is this a bug or have I missed the point - a setting probably?

Bluetooth automatic pairing failures with car after Jolla update


I am using Bluetooth to pair with my car to play my music library and to make and receive calls. I have observed that after the recent update this pairing which seemed to have worked flawlessly is not now having issues. Every 3 to 4 time it pairs automatically, and then it does not. I have tried several options, creating a fresh pair, restarting the handset, and also having to go into the settings to manually force the connection to pair. In case it matters the car is a Mazda 3.

Is this a bug or have I missed the point - a setting probably?