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initial version

posted 2013-12-28 16:46:19 +0200

[Bug/Feature Request] Add Task Manager UI

Currently it is possible for apps to become totally unresponsive and NOT get the "Application is not responding" dialog. Unresponsive apps also can't be killed from the main screen until they respond (the cover disappears from view but is still there and clickable).

The only way to kill such apps is to ssh in or use the terminal. This requires: 1. developer mode to be enabled 2. ssh access OR fingerterm to be usable (you are screwed when without ssh and fingerterm does not respond)

[Bug/Feature Request] Add Task Manager UI

Currently it is possible for apps to become totally unresponsive and NOT get the "Application is not responding" dialog. Unresponsive apps also can't be killed from the main screen until they respond (the cover disappears from view but is still there and clickable).

The only way to kill such apps is to ssh in or use the terminal. This requires: 1. requires:

  1. developer mode to be enabled 2. enabled
  2. ssh access OR fingerterm to be usable (you are screwed when without ssh and fingerterm does not respond)