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1 | initial version | posted 2014-06-25 19:14:19 +0200 |
I have been thinking my Jolla been consuming a lot of CPU power, but today I notices the system_server must be leaking a lot, rebooted the phone around 11 CET as it felt slow. Now around 18 CET the process has taken 41% of the combined RAM/SWAP and a lot of things are pushed out into the swap.
I don't run any more applications than I did before the latest Dalvik update, but my phone has become a lot slower and required to reboot it quite often, as just restarting the Alien Dalvik service will not free memory from swap and the old trick "swapoff -a && swapon -a" don't work as swapon do not work on the Jolla.
SailfishOS Alien Dalvik 0.11.5
2 | No.2 Revision |
I have been thinking my Jolla been consuming a lot of CPU power, but today I notices the system_server must be leaking a lot, rebooted the phone around 11 CET as it felt slow. Now around 18 CET the process has taken 41% of the combined RAM/SWAP and a lot of things are pushed out into the swap.
I don't run any more applications than I did before the latest Dalvik update, but my phone has become a lot slower and required to reboot it quite often, as just restarting the Alien Dalvik service will not free memory from swap and the old trick "swapoff -a && swapon -a" don't work as swapon do not work on the Jolla.
SailfishOS Alien Dalvik 0.11.5
3 | No.3 Revision |
I have been thinking my Jolla been consuming a lot of CPU power, but today I notices the system_server must be leaking a lot, rebooted the phone around 11 CET as it felt slow. Now around 18 CET the process has taken 41% of the combined RAM/SWAP and a lot of things are pushed out into the swap.
I don't run any more applications than I did before the latest Dalvik update, but my phone has become a lot slower and required to reboot it quite often, as just restarting the Alien Dalvik service will not free memory from swap and the old trick "swapoff -a && swapon -a" don't work as swapon do not work on the Jolla.
SailfishOS Alien Dalvik 0.11.5